1. No critical refrigeration concerns
2. Milder air off temperatures
3. Continuous heating operation
4. Faster defrosts
5. Freeze protection
6. Faster installation
7. No refrigerant noise at indoors
8. Fit out flexibility
9. Connectable to all existing Mitsubishi Electric Controllers
Put simply, Hybrid VRF is a 2-Pipe Heat Recovery VRF with water between the Hybrid Branch Circuit (HBC) Controller and indoor units. You can install and design it as VRF whilst enjoying the features of a chiller system. This provides a complete modern solution for office buildings, hotels, medical centres, schools, high-rise buildings, shopping centres and other commercial premises.
Hybrid VRF is quick, easy and flexible to design and install using the same control and network as VRF systems. Furthermore, the decentralised system means phased installation is possible with the same high levels of seasonal efficiency expected with VRF.
With water at the indoor units, Hybrid VRF provides comfortable and stable air temperature control with no refrigerant in occupied spaces, removing the need for leak detection.
NB: Image for representation only
Customer comfort is paramount with legislation focusing attention on energy use and seeking to limit the use of refrigerant in occupied spaces. Hybrid VRF minimises the need for leak detection, thereby reducing the total cost of the system and ongoing maintenance of the leak detection system itself.
Modern offices and commercial buildings need air conditioning systems that provide the highest levels of comfort, freshness and energy efficiency
With regards to patient health and safety, this system has no refrigerant in the indoor units and can deliver mild off-coil temperatures through the Water-Based Hybrid VRF Indoor Units. HVRF mitigates the need for leak detectors in consulting rooms and provides a solution to critical refrigerant limits outlined in AS/NZS 5149. (1-4) 2016.
As we look for ways to balance population growth in crowded city centres, more mixed-use properties are being developed; often combining retail, office, leisure and living spaces in the same building. Hybrid VRF provides a fully adaptable solution benefiting from air or water source options, using an extensive range of controls to ensure optimum performance.
Providing comfort through temperature stability, removal of refrigerant from the occupied space and reduced noise - Hybrid VRF provides a truly integrated solution.
The leak detection system is designed to trigger an alarm if refrigerant was to leak into the room space and shut down the system to try and prevent harm to the occupants in the room. These systems can be expensive and add to the cost of design, build and maintenance.
Hybrid VRF minimises the need for leak detection in each room because there is no refrigerant piped into the room space, just water! This means there is minimal risk of refrigerant escaping into the room space. The Water-Based Fan Coil Units also reduce draughts; improving comfort for guests whilst providing overall savings in ongoing maintenance costs of the equipment for the hotelier.
Throughout a system’s lifetime, annual testing and the recalibration of leak detection sensors adds significant cost to a VRF system. Using Hybrid VRF instead, minimises this need and could provide as much as 30% in maintenance savings over 15 years.
*Based on a real project using costs from a Mitsubishi Electric Business Solutions Partner, UK
In New Zealand specifically, the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) has put a price on greenhouse gas emissions and provides an incentive to reduce emissions and promote strategies to absorb carbon dioxide.
This is known as the SGG (Synthetic Greenhouse Gas) Levy.
Due to the increasing cost of refrigerant associated with the ETS Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Levy (NZ), building capital costs will continue to climb using traditional heating and cooling systems that utilise refrigerants such as R410A.
NB: Image for representation only
This is the point where the refrigerant circuit transfers its energy to the sealed water system. There are two sets of Plate Heat Exchangers, both placed at opposite ends in the HBC. Both sets provide hot water in heating mode or cold water in cooling mode. During mixed mode, one set provides hot water while the other provides cold water to its respective flow header.
Each set of Plate Heat Exchangers has a water pump. This circulates the closed loop water system between the HBC and indoor units. The discharge flow rate from the pump is controlled by the Valve Block.
A Valve Block is connected between each flow and return port of the HBC.
This Valve Block has two features;
Expansion tank (field supplied) and water filling loop (field supplied)