Contact Mitsubishi Electric in New Zealand
Your enquiry will be answered within 1 business day by a representative of Mitsubishi Electric, New Zealand.
If you are based outside New Zealand it is best to contact your local Mitsubishi Electric Sales Office.
If you would prefer to speak directly to us please call 0800 784 382 during normal office hours.
Please complete the below
Call our Customer Service Team on 0800 784 382

1 Parliament Street, Lower Hutt 5010PO Box 30772, Lower Hutt 5040
Phone (04) 560 9147
Unit 1, 4 Walls RoadPenrose, Auckland 1061
Phone (09) 526 9347
44 Halwyn DriveHei Hei, Christchurch 8042
Phone (03) 341 2837
Unit 7, 41 Newton StreetMount Maunganui 3116
Phone (07) 557 7300