Air Handler Units

New Zealand case studies of City Multi AHU Controllers for fresh air requirements of commercial buildings, gymnasiums, halls or wherever there are large numbers of people inside. With such large volumes of fresh outside air, comes the need to temper it, normally to around 18°C.

Large scale office development located on the fringe of the Christchurch CBD, this 5500sqm commercial office precinct development focused on high quality urban design and the creation of a great workplace. The precinct consists of two three-story buildings.
Avantidrome - the home of cycling is the new high profile Velodrome Cycling facility located in the Waikato
The EMU Maintenance Depot is a large maintenance and office building used as a main servicing hub for Auckland’s new electric trains.
This new training facility provides trade and pre-trade courses for the automotive, electrical, refrigeration and building trades, along with non trade courses including call centre training and a diploma in mental health.
Building 7 is the newest addition to the coveted Central Park Corporate Centre situated in Penrose, Auckland, just 6kms from the Auckland CBD.
Central Otago
A new medical centre servicing the township of Cromwell including all medical disciplines usually found in a community.
A new office building to house all of WHK’s Invercargill staff.
The site consists of four buildings; home to the local Court House, a restaurant & bar, and two commercial office blocks. The land and property is owned by Ngai Tahu, one of New Zealand’s largest Maori Iwi.
Air Handler Units