900mm wide Air Curtain
Air Curtain for 900mm wide door. (WxDxH, mm): 900 x 153 x 190. Maximum door height of 2.5m.
Air Curtain for 900mm wide door. (WxDxH, mm): 900 x 153 x 190. Maximum door height of 2.5m.
Recent advancements in high-tech hydromechanics have resulted in the Mitsubishi Electric Propeller Fan operating with unparalleled quietness whilst maintaining a powerful, high-volume airflow.
The Propeller Fan is a major improvement over the Line Flow Fan; driven by an energy efficient motor that results in decreased operating costs.
With the use of the Propeller Fan, the unit is easier to maintain, keeping the air curtain in optimum condition. The change to the Axial Fan from the Line Flow Fan means the fan lifecycle is even longer.
The twin nozzle design takes in air from above, allowing the Air Curtain to generate larger air-velocity distribution with less air intake. The resistance to the influence of external airflow has been strengthened greatly, improving insulation against hot and cold temperatures.
Please allow a minimum distance of 100mm-150mm between the air curtain and the ceiling.
By adjusting the installation of the main unit, the airflow can be altered both internally and externally.
The Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtain can be installed vertically or horizontally according to the avaliable space.
Not only does the installation of an Air Curtain help maintain a constant comfortable indoor temperature, it saves energy too. Install an automatic door to achieve even more economical operation and a more pleasant indoor environment.
This test ascertained the effectiveness of Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtains in reducing temperature increases in a cold storage facility. Without an air curtain, the inside temperature increased from -5 to +4ºC in as little as two minutes. With an air curtain installed this time was extended to about 10 minutes, or approximately five times as long. If the door was left open for five minutes, the temperature increased up to 10ºC if no air curtain was used, as opposed to 2ºC when one was used. It was established that 50% less energy was required to reduce the inside temperature to -5ºC when an air curtain was used.
This night time test ascertained the effectiveness of the Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtains in shutting out insects. A 40W mercury lamp was placed inside an air curtain ejected from a 4cm-wide vent at a velocity of 8m/sec. The insect shut-out rate was 70-80%.
*Insects such as flies which have high flying power may fly into the room along the surface of the floor where wind velocity is comparatively low.
Experiments have proven that the Air Curtain effectively blocks 70-90% of outdoor hot or cold air, whereas a glass panel is assumed to block 100% (The effectiveness may vary based on the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, whether there is wind outdoors, or the height of the Air Curtain).