Our Concealed SEZ-KD60 heat pump unit is conveniently hidden in the ceiling cavity with only the grilles visible. Perfect if you have a bulkhead or lowered ceiling. This unit is ideal if you are looking to discreetly heat a large area. Includes PAR wired Controller. The Wi-Fi range comes equipped with a Wi-Fi Control Interface (supplied separately) allows you to control and monitor your heat pump from anywhere via your smartphone, tablet or online account.
Our ceiling concealed unit is a slim 200mm in height, making it ideal for tight installation spaces.
Includes the Wi-Fi Control Interface
Locally developed to suit the busy lifestyles of New Zealanders, award-winning Wi-Fi Control unlocks the door to smarter heating. This innovative technology allows you to control or monitor your heat pump from anywhere via your smartphone, tablet or online account. Wi-Fi Control allows you to control your system remotely, develop operating rules, and set minimum and maximum room temperatures for healthy and comfortable living.
Our ceiling concealed SEZ series offers whisper quiet operation starting at a hushed 23dB. This ensures a calm and comfortable environment. They’re so quiet that you’ll find yourself checking to see if they’re on!
Energy Saving
With low electricity consumption, our ceiling concealed SEZ Series is the key to cost-effective room comfort.
Air Cleaning Filter
This built-in filter removes dust and other particulates, keeping the air clean all the time. Maintenance is as simple as vacuuming.