Alternative duct position By-pass damper plate Ceiling suspension fixture (4-13×20 oval) RA (return air) SA (supply air) Air exhaust fan EA (exhaust air) OA (outside air) 768 65 65 30 289 780 64 64 102 782 115 735 530 20 30 Air supply fan Control box Maintenance cover 102 150 - 250 more than 600 Maintenance space for Core, air filter, HighEfficiency filter, fan Inspection opening 450 × 450 or more Optional High-Efficiency filter position Lossnay core ø142 ø160 Alternative duct position Air filter Power supply cable opening Alternative duct position By-pass damper plate Ceiling suspension fixture (4-13×20 oval) RA (return air) SA (supply air) Air exhaust fan EA (exhaust air) OA (outside air) Maintenance space for Core, air filter, HighEfficiency filter, fan 875 124 124 64 64 888 874 650 921 20 115 more than 600 150 - 250 Inspection opening 450 × 450 or more Air supply fan Control box Maintenance cover Optional High-Efficiency filter position Lossnay core Alternative duct position Air filter 55 ø142 ø160 Power supply cable opening 85 85 55 331 | Characteristic curves | Dimensions Model LGH-35RVX3-E | | Characteristic curves | Dimensions Unit: mm Unit: mm Fan speed 4 3 2 1 Test condition 100% 75% 50% 25% Input power (W) 75 42 21 11 ISO 16494-1: 2022 (m3/h) 250 188 125 63 (L/s) 69 52 35 17 1.08 0.81 0.60 0.63 External static pressure (Pa) 120 68 30 8 Heating 75.5 78.5 81.0 88.0 Cooling 70.5 76.5 79.0 85.0 Heating 69.0 72.0 75.5 84.0 Cooling 56.0 60.5 65.0 73.0 Noise (dB) (Measured at 1.5m under the center of the unit in an anechoic chamber) 30.5 25.0 19.5 17.0 A-weighted sound pressure level Exhaust air transfer ratio (%) 5 EN308:2022/FS3 Weight (kg) 22 Electrical power supply 220-240V/50Hz, 220V/60Hz Fan speed 4 3 2 1 Test condition 100% 75% 50% 25% Input power (W) 120 61 29 15 ISO 16494-1: 2022 (m3/h) 350 263 175 88 (L/s) 97 73 49 24 1.23 0.84 0.60 0.62 External static pressure (Pa) 160 90 40 10 Heating 75.0 77.0 79.0 82.0 Cooling 66.5 71.0 74.0 79.0 Heating 72.0 74.5 77.5 80.0 Cooling 55.0 59.5 63.5 69.5 Noise (dB) (Measured at 1.5m under the center of the unit in an anechoic chamber) 30.5 24.5 19.0 17.0 A-weighted sound pressure level Exhaust air transfer ratio (%) 5 EN308:2022/FS3 Weight (kg) 30 *The dotted lines of fan curve are reference value that cannot be measured. *The dotted lines of fan curve are reference value that cannot be measured. •For LGH-RVX3 series 10 Alternative duct position Air exhaust fan By-pass damper plate RA (return air) EA (exhaust air) OA Maintenance space for Core, air filter, HighEfficiency filter, fan Inspection opening 450 × 450 or more (outside air) SA (supply air) Ceiling suspension fixture Air supply fan Control box Maintenance cover Lossnay core Alternative duct position Air filter Optional High-Efficiency filter position Power supply cable opening 768 119 119 780 54 ø97.5 ø110 54 658 115 450 150 - 250 50 more than 600 610 20 (4-13×20 oval) 65 65 50 289 3 2 1 Test condition 75% 50% 25% 30 15 10 ISO 16494-1: 2022 113 75 38 31 21 10 0.96 0.72 0.96 68 30 8 75.5 78.0 81.5 70.5 73.5 78.0 73.5 76.5 80.5 57.0 61.0 68.0 22.0 18.0 17.0 A-weighted sound pressure level 5 EN308:2022/FS3 20 | Dimensions Unit: mm ed. z and horizontal installation. 9 Specifications MODEL DIMENSIONS CEILING SUSPENSION FIXTURE PITCH NOMINAL DUCT DIAMETER A B C D E LGH-15RVX3-E 780 610 289 768 658 150 LGH-25RVX3-E 780 735 289 768 782 150 LGH-35RVX3-E 888 874 331 875 921 150 LGH-50RVX3-E 888 1016 331 875 1063 200 LGH-65RVX3-E 908 954 404 895 1001 200 LGH-80RVX3-E 1144 1004 404 1131 1051 250 LGH-100RVX3-E 1144 1231 404 1131 1278 250 MODEL DIMENSIONS CEILING SUSPENSION FIXTURE PITCH NOMINAL DUCT DIAMETER A B C D E LGH-160RVX3-E 1144 1004 808 1010 1045 250 (SA, RA) 270x700 (OA, EA) LGH-200RVX3-E 1144 1231 808 1010 1272 250 (SA, RA) 270x700 (OA, EA) LGH-15RVX3-E DIMENSIONS LGH-160RVX3-E – LGH-200RVX3-E DIMENSIONS LGH-25RVX3-E – LGH-100RVX3-E DIMENSIONS A A B B C C D D E E By-pass damper plate Ceiling suspension fixture (4-15×30 oval) Air exhaust fan RA (return air) SA (supply air) EA (exhaust air) OA (outside air) Maintenance space for Core, air filter, HighEfficiency filter, fan more than 600 Inspection opening 450 × 450 or more 1010 40 404 808 40 1144 44 79 1004 1045 115 690 690 26 270 270 700 40 150 - 250 Air supply fan Control box Maintenance cover Lossnay core Optional High-Efficiency filter position ø242 ø258 ø242 ø258 Air filter Power supply cable opening Ceiling suspension fixture (4-15×30 oval) By-pass damper plate Air exhaust fan RA (return air) SA (supply air) EA (exhaust air) OA (outside air) Maintenance space for Core, air filter, HighEfficiency filter, fan Inspection opening 450 × 450 or more more than 600 1010 1144 44 79 270 270 700 40 1231 1272 26 917 917 150 - 250 Air supply fan Control box Maintenance cover Lossnay core Optional High-Efficiency filter position ø242 ø258 ø242 ø258 Air filter 40 404 808 40 115 Power supply cable opening Specifications & Dimensions LGH-200RVX3-E | Dimensions | Dimensions Unit: mm Unit: mm 220-240V/50Hz, 220V/60Hz 3 2 1 Test condition 75% 50% 25% 416 163 57 EN13053: 2019 1500 1000 500 417 278 139 1.00 0.59 0.41 96 43 11 77.5 79.5 83.5 EN308: 2022 71.5 76.0 82.5 64.0 67.5 76.0 59.5 64.5 70.0 36.0 27.5 16.0 A-weighted sound pressure level 5 EN308:2022/FS3 108 EN13053: 2019 333 222 111 0.97 0.58 0.41 96 43 11 76.5 78.0 80.0 EN308: 2022 70.0 75.5 78.0 65.0 70.5 73.5 56.0 62.5 68.0 35.0 26.0 18.0 A-weighted sound pressure level 5 EN308:2022/FS3 96 ured. V/50Hz and horizontal installation. sured. 13 A B C D E Please refer to the dimensions in the table below for the relevant Lossnay model. Please refer to the dimensions in the table below for the relevant Lossnay model. PUBLISHED DEC 2024 For more information please visit our website or call our Customer Service Team. | 0800 784 382