Quietness on All Fan Speeds Some manufacturers are happy for their heat pumps to operate quietly only on their lowest fan setting. Our heat pumps are designed to work differently, giving you quietly superior comfort on all fan speeds. * MFZ-KW25/35/42 indoor sound level on lowest fan speed in Heating Mode. Mitsubishi Electric consistently produces heat pumps which are not only feature-rich and efficient, but also very, very quiet. We recognise that noise affects comfort, so we constantly work to ensure our heat pumps are as quiet as possible. Starting from just 18dBA*, our high wall and floor console indoor units are unrivalled for quietness – because we want you to feel the warmth, not hear it! How are Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pumps Quieter? Our quest for quietness begins at factory level. Our heat pumps are subjected to rigorous testing at our confidential sound testing facility, with sound ratings then independently certified. The Secret to Quietness Fan Design Our larger fan diameter enables the motor to run at a slower speed while maintaining the same air volume. Smaller fans have to spin faster to move more air, creating more noise as air passes over the fan tips. Coil Design The larger surface area of our coils enables the indoor unit to maintain a higher temperature. As a result, less air needs to be passed across the coil to achieve the same indoor temperature; less air means less noise. Airflow Our larger air inlet duct allows air to flow freely, reducing noise as it leaves the heat pump. Think of whistling; it is pretty hard to whistle when your mouth is open wide – the same principle applies here. Indoor Unit Our indoor unit casing has been designed to be robust, ensuring minimal noise is created when operating, i.e. no rattling or shaking. Increase in Noise Level Even a small decibel increase impacts the level of sound you hear, so noise levels of any appliance are important. Sound exposure, measured in decibels (dBA), reflects pressure on your eardrum and grows exponentially; every 10dBA increase doubles the audible sound level. 0% 1 dBA 3 dBA 6 dBA 10 dBA 40% 80% 120% 7% 23% 52% 100% from 18dBA* Noise Level Comparison 0dBA 20dBA 40dBA 60dBA 80dBA 18dBA – NZ's Quietest Indoor Sound Level* Breathing Rustling leaves Library interior Dishwasher Average street traffic Subway car interior New Zealand’s Quietest Heat Pumps* 3