Plasma Quad Connect Air Filtration Accessory

For more information on Plasma Quad Connect please visit our website or call our Customer Service Team. | 0800 784 382 Wellington Head Office 1 Parliament Street PO Box 30772 Lower Hutt 5040 Phone 04 560 9147 Auckland Unit 1 / 4 Walls Road PO Box 12726 Penrose Auckland 1642 Phone 09 526 9347 Christchurch 44 Halwyn Drive PO Box 16904 Hornby Christchurch 8441 Phone 03 341 2837 Be sure to ask for Mitsubishi Electric. Other brands share the 3-diamond logo, however they are separate to the Mitsubishi Electric brand and cannot supply the models, features or guarantees outlined in this brochure. All models, features and specifications are subject to change and amendment at anytime – PRINTED JULY 2022