Heat Pump Range

Introducing the Plasma Quad Connect Air Filtration System – an optional accessory for most Mitsubishi Electric High Wall and Ducted Systems, featuring high performance two stage plasma technology. This advanced filtration system works to clean away viruses including Covid-19* as well as smells, dust, mould and other common household allergens, making it an ideal addition for asthma and allergy sufferers or those seeking a healthier, safer home. How Polluted is the Air Inside Your Home? You may be surprised how contaminated indoor air actually can be. You might not be able to see it – but it is there! Every time you open your doors or windows, external pollutants such as pollen, dust and other allergens enter the home. But did you know oil and fat particles from cooking all release microscopic particles into the air too? Dust and pet dander (dead skin flakes), mould build-up and mildew spores triggered by dampness can further increase concentrations of pollutants. There is substantial evidence to support the claim that breathing Particulate Matter (PM) is harmful to human health, particularly smaller fractions such as PM10 and PM2.5. Cleaner, Healthier Air with Two Stage Plasma Filter The Plasma Quad Connect is designed to work like an electrical curtain, using an advanced two-stage process which first makes plasma that breaks down air pollutants and then creates an electrical discharge that neutralises even microscopic particles in the air. In fact, it can even capture particles as small as PM2.5, which are up to 20 times smaller than the width of a human hair! Unseen to the human eye, these microscopic particles can easily penetrate deep into our lungs and even our bloodstream. The result? A more healthy and cleaner living environment that can be enjoyed year-round. We spend up to 80% of our time inside. As such, good indoor air quality is paramount to our well-being. So how can home owners have the peace of mind they can breathe cleaner, healthier air all year round? With Plasma Quad Connect, occupants can now add advanced filtration to most Mitsubishi Electric High Wall and Ducted Systems. Plasma Quad Connect Optional Advanced Air Filtration System Mr Slim SEZ & PEAD City Multi PEFY-P & WP (VMA & VMS) Mr Slim PLA City Multi PLFY-M & WL (VEM Only) an electrical curtain to catch and neutralise even microscopic prove indoor air quality. Wire Wire Dirty Air Clean Air scopic to: PM2.5 Advanced Air Filtration Optional ^ Such as Influenza A virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) - tested in a 25m2 room by Virus Research Center, Sendai Medical Center, National Hospital Organisation according to JEM 1467. 32