Heat Pump Range

Filtration We spend up to 80% of our time inside and as such, good indoor air quality is paramount to our well being. This is why Mitsubishi Electric has developed Plasma Quad Filtration to help provide you with cleaner, healthier air all year round. Plasma Quad Advanced Filtration Clean Indoor Air You Can Depend On The New Standard in Cleaner, Healthier Air Our unique advanced Plasma Quad Plus Filtration Technology, significantly improves indoor air quality by minimising common indoor pollutants, allergens, mould and dust particles. It’s so powerful it can even minimise viruses! The two stage purification system works like an electrical curtain. It uses powerful plasma to filter out microscopic particles. These then pass through an electrical discharge that is capable of absorbing PM2.5 particles – which are up to 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair. As a result, viruses and bacteria are effectively inhibited and the air deodorised. Plasma Quad Filtration is an active air filtration system developed by Mitsubishi Electric to minimise indoor airborne pollutants. Independent testing has shown Plasma Quad Filtration to be effective at eliminating 98% of airborne viruses, bacteria and moulds, 98% of allergens (such as pollen), 97% of mites and dust, 99% of suspended particulate matter (PM2.5), and also traps and neutralises odours. In fact, providing up to 98% effectiveness of removing airborne Covid-19* particles too, it’s the ultimate peace of mind for ensuring a healthier, cleaner living environment. FILTRATION * PQC Electrode Collection Plate, Test Chamber Lab – Test No. 20KB070569, Microbial Testing Laboratory Kobe Testing Center Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center. ^ Such as Influenza A virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) - tested in a 25m2 room by Virus Research Center, Sendai Medical Center, National Hospital Organisation according to JEM 1467. Neutralises Common Airborne Pollutants 6 Viruses Moulds Allergens Dust & Ticks Micro Particles Bacteria Advanced Plasma Quad Plus Filtration is built into the Black Diamond LN Series. Plasma Quad Filtration is also available as an optional accessory (see pages 32-33). So you can now add advanced filtration to most Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump Systems. Plasma Quad Heat Pump Models 3