Guaranteed Full Rated Heating Capacity – Right Down to -15°C Mitsubishi Electric offers a range of heat pump solutions with HyperCore Technology that are specifically designed to ensure their full rated capacity is produced, even on cold frosty days. Did you know ordinary heat pumps start to produce less heat below 7°C? The reduction in heat output is especially noticeable when the temperature drops below zero. At these low temperature conditions ordinary heat pumps can really struggle to cope. Feel the Warmth Even on the Coldest Days We guarantee fully rated heating capacity on selected Black Diamond LN Series* and RapidHeat KW Floor Console** models right down to -15°C! It’s our promise that no matter where you live, you can have peace of mind in knowing you’ll get all the heat you paid for and feel the warmth, even on the coldest days. * Black Diamond LN High Wall Heat Pump 2.5kW – 5.0kW models come standard with HyperCore Technology. ** RapidHeat KW Floor Console Range includes a 5.0kW and a 6.1kW model with optional HyperCore Technology. 3 This graph shows two heat pumps rated to provide 6kW of heat, with different performance as the temperature drops – the standard heat pump produces less heat while the HyperCore LN50 model delivers the full 6kW, heating the room up fast when you need it most.