Black Diamond LN Series Heat Pump

3D i-See Sensor The 3D i-See Sensor detects the presence and position of people in the room using thermal heat recognition, adjusting the temperature and airflow pattern for optimal comfort. This helps the Black Diamond Series do more than simply save energy, it also enables a new level of truly personalised comfort to be achieved. Thermal Scan Technology The 3D i-See Sensor continually takes a thermal scan of the room, dividing it into 752 three-dimensional zones and measuring the temperature in each zone to detect exactly where people are in a room. Independently Controlled Dual Split Vane Airflow Intuitively Adjusts the Airflow Direction to Where It’s Needed The 3D i-See Sensor works in conjunction with the Dual Split Vanes to provide heating or cooling to where it is needed most. As a result, it can save energy by not heating or cooling areas that don’t require it. Whether you prefer direct, indirect or evenly distributed airflow, the 3D i-See Sensor and Dual Split Vanes provide the ultimate in customisable airflow. You'll Never Feel Cold The 3D i-See Sensor can recognise movement of an individual in a room and subsequently direct the airflow with the Dual Split Vanes; so they continue feeling warm no matter where they have moved to in the room. You always feel warm and comfortable as the direct heat follows you as you move around the room. Comfort for All With Multiple Airflow Directions The 3D i-See Sensor can identify multiple people present in the room and adjust the Dual Split Vanes to direct heating or cooling evenly throughout; so everybody feels comfortable in the room. 8 sensors measure while moving left to right 752 three-dimensional zones 8 x 94 areas Only one person feels direct heat. Both people feel direct heat and are both comfortable. 3